Dani Alves returns to Barcelona

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Actualizado 12/11/2021 - 21:30

It's official! Five years after his departure from the club, Dani Alves is once again a Barcelona player as the Brazilian right-back returns to the Camp Nou as a free agent.

The 38-year-old will begin training with the team from next week, but will not be able to be registered to play until January, but has signed on until the end of the season.

Dani Alves is seen be many as the greatest right-back in the history of the club and the Blaugrana side have struggled to replace him since he left in 2016. After spells with PSG and Sao Paulo, he's back at the Camp Nou, in a sense, to be his own replacement.

In eight glorious years in Catalonia, Alves made 391 appearances and scored 23 goals. Perhaps most impressively, he lifted 23 trophies with the club.

Titles are synonymous with Dani Alves, the most decorated player in football history, with a total of 43 senior trophies to his name.

Brining back his former teammate in one of his first moves as Barcelona head coach is an interesting decision by Xavi Hernandez and, while the Brazilian no doubt still has plenty to offer on the pitch, he must also be hoping that his winning mentality rubs off on the rest of the squad behind the scenes as well.

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