Barcelona's new Spotify kit launched: All the details [1] 0 تعليق 23 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Catalans have kicked off their new kit for next season and it looks fire

Barcelona have presented their first team kit for the coming season, 2022-23. The new design includes various changes, including the start of Spotify’s time as main sponsor. The Swedish music company have pride of place in the middle of the kit, with a logo in sesame colour.

Another change is the UNHCR logo under the number, replacing Unicef. 

In terms of design the stripes are back in medium size and combining the classic Barcelona red-maroon and blue with a darker blue, which is also present on the sleeves.

The shorts are changed radically from this season’s kit and are the same dark blue colour as previously mentioned.

The kit is inspired by the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, in the year celebrating the 30th anniversary of the games in the Catalan capital. The concept is ‘the flame still burns’, and the kit wants to recover some of the spirit that marked that era of renovation and renewal of Barcelona the city, when it opened to the world and the world opened to it. 

The kits are made entirely from recycled bottles. Replica shirts cost 89.99 euros, while the most expensive version is 154.99 euros, for the women’s first team’s Champions League kit.

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