Barcelona miss out on Azpilicueta: He'll renew with Chelsea

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Chelsea captain Cesar Azpilicueta will not be playing for Barcelona, at least, not this season.

The Spanish player will renew his contract with Chelsea, which puts an end to the possibility of him leaving the club this summer.

Despite the fact that the Blaugrana were optimistic about the move and that the player wanted a change of scenery, it's not going to happen.

Although Azpilicueta had the word of Chelsea's previous owners that they would let him leave on a free transfer, things have gone sideways.

Change of plan at Chelsea

Chelsea's new owners were not too keen on letting him leave, even though they were initially willing to keep the promise made by their predecessors.

They brought the negotiations to breaking point when they demanded an asking price far beyond what Barcelona were willing to pay.

The whole thing was a plan to delay the issue. Like when they asked Barcelona for guarantees that they would be able to register him or asked for time to sign a replacement for the Spanish international.

The player wanted to have everything settled before the start of the season, but in the end he has agreed to the wishes of Chelsea's owner and Tuchel himself, who did not want to lose his captain.

He will sign a two-year contract renewal.

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