Barcelona confirm they have €20 million to sign players in January [1] 0 تعليق 2 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

It's not all bad financial news for Barcelona. They do have enough room to be able to strengthen in January if they deem it necessary.

In concrete, the club will have more than €20 million if they decide to make a move in the winter window. That amount could increase if anyone else leaves the club as well.

Barça want to sign an attacker and a full-back, preferably on loan or at a low cost, to help boost the squad in the second half of the season.

The reduction of wages, with big earners Lionel Messi and Antoine Griezmann leaving, in addition to some player sales has opened a small door for the club.

Barça didn't spend anything in the summer and cut salaries and reduced other players' wages.

The idea is to sign on loan with an option to buy and Raheem Sterling is an option. The Manchester City forward was also a target in the final days of the transfer window in the summer.

A full-back is also a target. Emerson's exit and injuries to key players have led to Barça being left short in that position so far this season.

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