Newcastle's Saudi Arabian owners visit dressing room after embarrassing FA Cup loss

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Newcastle United suffered yet another FA Cup humiliation on Saturday, with the world's richest club being knocked out of the competition at home by lowly League One outfit Cambridge United.

In response, the club's Saudi Arabian owners paid the players and coach Eddie Howe a post-match visit in the dressing room at St. James' Park.

Yasir Al-Rumayyan, whose Public Investment Fund owns 80 percent of the Magpies, was in attendance alongside Amanda Stavely and husband Mehrdad Ghodoussi.

"They did pop in to see the players," Howe confirmed afterwards. "I personally wasn't in there for that, then they saw me with my coaching team after.

"I believe they were very supportive to the players, highlighting the fact we're very much in this fight to stay in the league together, and they're very much behind everybody. I can't thank them enough for that support.

"I think it was really beneficial for the players to be able to see that and hear that because this journey we're going on currently and this fight we're in to stay in this division is a united effort from everybody at the club.

"The supporters are playing their part, no doubt, they've been magnificent, and the owners wanted to show their support for the players, which is really welcome for me."

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