Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Chelsea interested in €50m Barca wonderkid Gavi

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Thierry Henry may find his way back into management thanks to Bordeaux, according to RMC Sport.

The former Arsenal and France ace is being considered as the club's next coach if they decide to part ways with Vladimir Petkovic.

Blues look to take advantage of low release clause

Chelsea are considering an approach for Barcelona wonderkid Gavi, reports El Nacional.

The 17-year-old's current contract would allow the Blues to sign him for €50 million (£42m/$57m), although Barca have opened talks over a possible renewal which would see his release clause climb far higher.

Non-league star Kabongo Tshimanga is attracting interest from the Premier League, reports the Sun.

The 24-year-old is in blistering form in the National League for Chesterfield, and at least one top-flight club and several Championship sides are tracking his development.

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