Club Brugge reject chance to sign Andy Carroll after insufficient medical tests

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Andy Carroll will not be joining Club Brugge on a free transfer due to the results of his medical tests.

The English striker is out of contract after featuring for Reading and West Bromwich Albion last season, and recent reports suggested he could join the reigning Belgian champions.

However, the Daily Mail reports a proposed move has fallen apart after Carroll's physical and mental tests following his honeymoon were deemed insufficient.

The 33-year-old recently married Billi Mucklow, with the couple spending their honeymoon in Mexico.

Andy Carroll, en su despedida de soltero

Carroll made headlines in the lead up to the marriage after he was pictured in bed with two women during his stag in Dubai, but the pair reconciled before the big ceremony in Hampshire.

Brugge will play in next season's Champions League, something Carroll hasn't done in his career, but those dreams have now been put on ice.

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