Watch: Maguire bizarre Man Utd tunnel gaffe

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Harry Maguire appeared to make Manchester United stand on the wrong side of the tunnel before their 2-1 opening weekend defeat to Brighton. The Red Devils endured a nightmare afternoon as Erik ten Hag's managerial reign started with a whimper.

The omens were not good for United even before kick-off, with club captain Maguire at the centre of a bizarre incident that opened him up to more criticism on social media.

Watch Maguire's tunnel mistake at Old Trafford

Live Sky Sports footage of Maguire appearing to stand on the right side of the tunnel, with his teammates behind him, has been circulating online.

David De Gea and Scott McTominay looked particularly confused, given United traditionally walk out onto the pitch from the left side of the tunnel.

Maguire was quickly reminded of this as De Gea appeared to point to the right, and he then had to ask Brighton captain Lewis Dunk to swap sides.

Was De Gea right about the tunnel switch?

It has been suggested that Maguire's actions may have been a reaction to a dugout change that has been made at Old Trafford this season.

Ten Hag and his coaching staff have swapped to what was once the away dugout, which could explain the mix-up in the tunnel.

“In a new lay-out agreed with Erik, the home and away dugouts have been permanently switched so that the United manager, staff and substitutes will now be sat in the seats to the west of the half-way line – the dugout previously occupied by the away team,” United wrote on their website after Ten Hag's arrival.

"Erik approved the move after visiting Old Trafford for the first time in May and noting how the old away dugout was closer to the tunnel, and to the half of the pitch where substitutes warm up.

“Switching sides will also position the home staff and players closer to the Stretford End – the traditional heart of the home support – and align the dugouts with the halves of the pitch in which the home and away teams warm up before the game.”

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