FIFA 23 & Marvel reveal FUT Heroes collaboration

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Electronic Arts and Marvel Entertainment have teamed up to produce a range of FIFA Ultimate Team Heroes, which will be available to play in FIFA 23. Park Ji-sung, Yaya Toure and Landon Donovan are among the players involved, with the image on each card being created by Marvel's artists.

Each of the Heroes will receive a specially illustrated FUT item at the launch of the World Cup game mode, but base versions of each card will be available when FIFA 23 is released. In addition, a range of vanity items will be included in the game as part of the collaboration.

Anyone who pre-orders the EA Sports FIFA 23 Ultimate Edition by August 21, 2022, will receive a limited time FIFA World Cup Hero Item.

Which players are getting FUT Heroes cards?

To start, five players are getting the FUT Heroes' treatment. Donovan has been christened The Brave, Park has been coined the TigerHeart and Toure is known as The Citadel.

In addition, former Chelsea, Real Madrid and Portugal defender Ricardo Carvalho and Juventus midfielder Claudio Marchisio are also included in the collaboration.

The former Hero's name is The Anticipator, while Marchisio is now Il Principino.

When is FIFA 23 released?

FIFA 23 is scheduled for release on September 30, 2022, keeping up the tradition of bringing out the game on the last Friday of the month.

Players can get an early feel for the things via the Closed Beta, access to which ends on September 1, 2022.

How can I pre-order FIFA 23?

You can now pre-order FIFA 23 Ultimate Edition and receive a host of benefits when the game is released.

These include early access to the game, FIFA points and several valuable FUT assets to help bolster your team early on.

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