RMC: Mbappe asks Luis Enrique for explanations... who admits there was a lack of dialogue

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RMC reports that Kylian Mbappe sought clarifications from Luis Enrique, who acknowledged a communication gap between them.

The PSG coach and the prominent forward met to resolve misunderstandings and soothe tensions after their notable interactions during the Monaco match, just before their crucial Champions League game against Real Sociedad.

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Paris Saint-Germain is eager to prevent the 'Mbappe situation' from escalating further. Luis Enrique's decision to substitute Kylian in two successive games, coinciding with the player's announcement of his departure in June, has heightened the strain within the team.

Luis Enrique replaced Mbappe at the 65-minute mark during a 1-1 draw with Rennes and again at halftime in a goalless match against Monaco. The sight of Mbappe watching the latter game from the stands, accompanied by his mother, was particularly poignant.

Nonetheless, both Luis Enrique and Mbappe made efforts to settle their differences before heading to Real Sociedad for the return leg of the Champions League's last 16, aiming to secure their 2-0 lead from the first match.

As per L'Equipe, the coach and the star player had a constructive discussion at the Poissy Campus on Saturday morning to "clear the air" and "ease the mood". During this "lengthy" meeting, Luis Enrique explained that his tactical choices were geared towards next season's preparations but assured he relies on Mbappe for the team's upcoming critical matches until the season concludes.

Kylian asked for explanations

RMC reports that Kylian Mbappe sought clarification from his coach, who acknowledged a communication gap between them, committing to more open conversations moving forward.

The coach reportedly conveyed the same message he has mentioned in post-match press conferences following recent substitutions: he's beginning the process of adapting the team for a future without Mbappe.

This strategic shift, according to Luis Enrique, applies to domestic league matches but will not affect Champions League games. Ahead of the crucial Round of 16 match against Real Sociedad in San Sebastian, the coach reassured Mbappe of his pivotal role in the team's plans, emphasizing the importance of their upcoming Champions League endeavors, as detailed by RMC Sports.

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