Luis Enrique assures that it is "untrue" that Mbappe insulted him: Someone has invented this insult

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PSG coach Luis Enrique said it was a "lie" that Kylian Mbappe insulted him when the striker was substituted against Marseille and assured that he is "very happy with his attitude".

"The funny thing is that everything is generated from a lie, that's what happens in the world of football. Someone has invented an insult and speculations of all kinds have arisen. I am 53 years old. I already have a part of my body bald... which is my head," said the coach at a press conference on the eve of the Coupe de France semi-final against Rennes.

The former Spain coach was referring to alleged insults that Mbappe uttered against him when he was replaced in the 65th minute by Portuguese striker Goncalo Ramos.

The star of PSG and the French national team left the field with a serious gesture and uttered some words that some interpreted on social media as insults.

Pleased with Mbappe's attitude

"After the matches it's a complicated moment, I feel very tired. But I am very happy with all the players, including Kylian. He has a sensational attitude," added Luis Enrique.

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