Real Madrid aren't permitted to request their matches against Cadiz and Athletic Club be postponed

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Real Madrid are one of the latest clubs to report an outbreak of positive COVID-19 tests throughout their staff, yet they aren't permitted to request that their upcoming matches against Cadiz and Athletic Club be postponed.

The Premier League has fallen victim to a number of cancellations over the course of the week, with Manchester United having two fixtures in a row postponed after an outbreak at their Carrington Training Centre.

Los Blancos have reported six positive tests amongst the playing staff up to this point, although LaLiga Santander rules state that a club has no possibility of postponing a match if they have a minimum of 13 eligible players.

Real Madrid know they are going to have to utilise academy players in the immediate future to help cover the crisis, but the club has faith in the readiness of these players to face Cadiz and Athletic Club.

Luka Modric and Marcelo were the first two players to test positive within the club, but a further four have emerged in the daily tests done since then.

Andriy Lunin, Marco Asensio, Gareth Bale and Rodrygo Goes were the latest four players to test positive.

According to Premier League rules, matches will only be postponed if there are fewer than 14 eligible players, although the league has taken the decision to make a judgement on each case as and when they are presented.

Leagues want to avoid the Primeira Liga farce

An outbreak within Belenenses' squad earlier in the season saw the team forced to take the pitch against Benfica with only nine players, with neither the league or the health authorities agreeing to postpone the fixture.

In the second half, Belenenses came out with only seven players and then a further one got injured, meaning the referee called a halt to the game.

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