Bale's sad goodbye: Three games, 105 days absent, more trouble...

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Gareth Bale's situation at Real Madrid was always going to be a challenging one heading into the 2021/22 season, but with Carlo Ancelotti's return he had some modicum of hope, yet just six months later is has instead proven to be a long, sad goodbye spanning a total of three games.

An injury picked up on August 28 has totally disrupted Bale's campaign, keeping him on the sidelines for a grand total of 105 days, stopping him from ever forcing his way into Ancelotti's plans.

The fact that Real Madrid have been winning on the pitch in his absence, and building a solid regular selection of players, means that there isn't go to be a fairy-tale ending for the Welshman in the Spanish capital.


People forget, but Bale was a key cog in the team which won four Champions League titles in five seasons, yet he isn't held in anywhere near the same regard as similar stalwarts Sergio Ramos, Luka Modric, Marcelo, Toni Kroos, Casemiro and Raphael Varane.

Bale was never going to get offered a contract extension by Los Blancos' technical department, but he had the chance to ensure he had a positive goodbye, but this now looks impossible with his departure likely to come without much recognition at all.


In the three matches out of a possible 27 in which he has played this season, Bale has scored a solitary goal, and he is now legally allowed to speak to clubs outside of Spain about a free transfer, with his contract only having six months left to run.

Friday, January 7 marks a total of 131 days since Bale represented Los Merengues on the pitch, and his agent, Jonathan Barnett, has made comments that have perhaps made a friendly farewell even less likely.

"I don't care what Real Madrid fans think," Barnett declared.

"Why should I be concerned? I think they have been disgusting to Gareth Bale, they have behaved badly."

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