Gonzalo Higuaín: 'The first year Cristiano arrived at Real Madrid I scored 27 goals and he scored 26'.

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Gonzalo Higuain reminisced about the time that Cristiano Ronaldo first arrived at Real Madrid and how he outscored him. The life of a footballer always has ups and downs. These can come at any time of his career and their duration is random.

He played in Real Madrid, Napoli, Milan and now he is in Miami

This is what happened to Gonzalo Higuaín, the striker who lived great moments since his beginnings in River Plate, passing through Real Madrid and doing the same in other clubs such as Napoli and Inter Milan.

However, he was criticized for his actions. Not only with the clubs, but also with the Argentine National Team.

Therefore, in an interview with El Mundo, he stated that arriving in U.S. soccer gave him peace of mind, as it is not as highly regarded as other leagues in the world.

"Yes, both things. After so many years in Europe, I found sporting and emotional peace. It was the right decision, it was what I was looking for," he said

The Brazilian World Cup was a game changer

After what happened in the Copa America and the Brazil 2014 World Cup, Higuain was not the same person, as he never found peace in the face of constant criticism.

"Every human being is bothered by criticism... It's something that lowers your self-esteem, generates depression, anorexia, or that your attitude to the world is bad because of the number of things they say behind a computer. Anyone can easily criticize, insult you without knowing you, without knowing your life, and then call it envy frustration," he added.

He went through bad times

"I went through very bad moments, but like life, everyone in their professions has moments like that and the important thing is to learn, change and suffer as little as possible. Life is about the simple and the most important thing is to be happy, although I don't know if happiness exists. It's about trying to be as good as possible and that irrelevant thing doesn't hurt you, but that comes with maturity and experience," he said.

One of the most memorable moments for the Argentine striker is being alongside Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, for whom he showed admiration.

Admiration and competition can go hand-in-hand

"I played with the two best players of the last (years). I don't know, of the best in history, and with two of the best goalkeepers in history Buffon and Casillas, I was seven years in the best team in history, I scored more than 100 goals, 15 titles, and the second Argentine player with more games in Madrid. The first year that Cristiano arrived in Madrid I scored 27 goals and he scored 26. He scored 50 goals a year. How do you score 50!" the striker told the newspaper.

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