Olivier Giroud to leave AC Milan and join Los Angeles Galaxy

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Veteran striker Olivier Giroud, French national team's all time top scorer (57 goals), will leave his current club, AC Milan, at the end of this season for Los Angeles Galaxy of MLS, French media reported on Tuesday.

At 37 years of age, the French striker (131 caps) is in his third season at Milan (121 appearances and 46 goals), after a long career in the Premier League (six seasons at Arsenal and four at Chelsea, with whom he won the Champions League in 2021).

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In the French League, he played for Montpellier (where he won a league title in 2012), Tours, Istres and Grenoble.

According to French media, the 2018 World Cup winner is set to sign a contract with the Galaxy until December 2025, joining as a free agent once his contract with Milan expires in June 2024.

At the Californian club he would coincide with another French soccer legend, goalkeeper Hugo Lloris, who was captain when France won the 2018 World Cup.

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