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LIVEBayern Munich vs Arsenal (agg 2-2) - Champions League quarter-final: Live score, team news and updates as the Gunners travel to the Allianz Arena for a winner-takes-all second leg after draw in first-leg

Tonight feels huge for this Arsenal side.

After the deflation of their 2-0 home defeat to Aston Villa at the weekend, which gave the initiative to Manchester City in the title race, the pressure on them has ramped up to another level.

It's fair to say, the Gunners were miles from their best in the first leg, it looked the the enormity of the occasion got to them. They can't let that happen tonight.

Comparing both of the seasons that Arsenal and Bayern Munich have had respectively, Arsenal should be the favorites tonight.

However, their last two performances have thrown caution into the wind and it feels like Bayern are in the better position to progress tonight.

Even with all that though, this match is such a hard one to call, you can almost forget the first leg after it finished all square.

It all comes down to tonight, do Arsenal have the mettle?

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