Official: Dani Alves will wear the No.8 shirt back at Barcelona [1] 0 تعليق 26 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

Barcelona have announced that Dani Alves will wear the No.8 shirt during his second spell at the Catalan club after re-signing last week.

Alves, 38, has agreed to a deal until the end of the season but will not be able to play until January when the transfer window opens.

The No.8 was one of the few left available at Barça following Miralem Pjanic's move to Besiktas on a season-long loan in September.

It will be the fifth different number Alves has worn at Camp Nou. During his first spell at the club, between 2008 and 2016, he wore four different shirt numbers.

The Brazilian started with No.20, then went to No.2, then No.22 to honour Eric Abidal and then No.6 to honour Xavi Hernandez, who is now his coach.

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