Ansu Fati hoping to make Bayern vs Barcelona next week [1] 0 تعليق 4 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

Barcelona are working on their next game against Real Betis, but the Bayern Munich Champions League clash the following week still looms. It will be decisive for their hopes of progress in the competition. 

The Catalans hope that Ansu Fati can be counted on for the ‘final’ in Munich and the player, who was recovering from his injury at the training ground on Tuesday is doing his part to try and make it. 

He was injured on November 6 at Balaidos, where he felt a hamstring problem in his left leg and was replaced by Balde.

Since then he has missed Xavi’s first three games in charge and the Spain matches.

Ansu has missed 11 games this season through injury and started only seven. Xavi will not want to take risks with him against Bayern, only playing him if he is fit.

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