Barcelona in danger of losing the 'next Araujo' [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

Juvenil A have won their league with Chadi Riad as a key player at the back. The Mallorca-born centre back has shown his quality and is ready to move up a level, to Barca B. However, that could be complicated. The player is out of contract on June 30 and has received a deal for two seasons plus two more. It’s a low proposal and far from the others he has received. He has a lot of potential and helps bring the ball out on the left side. He’s 1m 90, strong, powerful. Left-footed centre-backs of this type are not common. He was compared to Araujo as he came through the youth academy, albeit on the other foot. 

Barcelona are at risk of losing him if they don’t rethink their offer. He could be an important player at Barca B next season. 

He played in Segunda A with Sabadell at 17 so has some experience of professional football with the loan going well. He’s consolidated himself into Oscar Lopez’s Juvenil A side.

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