Pique facing his most difficult crisis since breaking up with Shakira

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Gerard Pique begins a new pre-season with his hometown club, Barcelona.

The central defender is getting ready to work under Xavi Hernandez after last season, which ended without winning any trophies.

The 35-year-old is one of the leading defenders at the moment and his performances have not been up for debate in recent years.

However, his break-up with Shakira may have also shaken up his sporting career too. Pique no longer has the full confidence of Xavi after recent events.

And age is not in his favour either, especially with the recent arrival of Andreas Christensen.

An additional problem for Pique, who is also starting pre-season without being able to play as an abductor injury means he has been sidelined for the last few weeks.

Yet another setback that could affect his status as a starter. Even more so if we bear in mind that absences due to physical problems at the start of a new season are not always the best approach.

Pique linked to possible corruption case

His links with the president of the Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales, and the alleged scandal involving the Spanish Super Cup which came to light via leaked audio recordings have also affected his public image.

Pique is alleged to have collected a commission and is already being investigated for corruption in the wake of this development.

His presence on social media has been reduced, at least in terms of the number of followers.

Laporta defends Pique

Barcelona president Laporta threw his support behind Gerard Pique, after the defender made headlines this summer following his breakup with Shakira.

"Gerard is clear in that he wants to have a very good season," Laporta said. "That's how I see him.

"Then the coach [Xavi] will evaluate him from a technical point of view. He is very motivated."

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