Barcelona are now alone in the race for Kounde

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Sevilla's sale of Jules Kounde continues to increase its headlines on a daily basis. The final turn of events is close to taking place.

If a little less than a week ago the agreement between Chelsea and Sevilla for the French centre-back was practically complete, in the absence of the English club sending confirmation of the offer to the Andalusian directors, now the situation has changed radically.

The absence of a response from the London club can only mean that they are giving up on his signing.

So, in the race for the Sevilla defender, unless Chelsea suddenly take up the matter again, only Barcelona would be left.

It is true that they have not yet called Sevilla to start negotiations, but the players involved in this matter warn that it will not be long before they do so. A proposal similar to the one that Sevilla had agreed with the English club would make it possible for Kounde to wear the Blaugrana colours.

Now it is time to see whether Barcelona make a serious offer for Kounde and puts on the table the amount that Sevilla demanded from Chelsea.

The 50+5m euros bid was rejected and with a figure approaching 60m there would be an agreement. From Barcelona there is talk of an offer of 50+10m. They would not hesitate in Seville to accept it. It is what they have been hoping for all summer.

Kounde himself did not care where the proposal came from, as long as it was from a top European club. Whether it was Barcelona, Chelsea or any other Champions League top club that came knocking on his door. At no time has he pressured Sevilla to accept or reject an offer depending on where it came from.

He continues to train with Sevilla at their training camp in Lagos while waiting for his future to be clarified. A few days ago he looked blue, as people close to the player acknowledged behind the scenes.

Now, everything has changed. The key thing is that Chelsea have made a U-turn. They have not ratified the agreement reached with Sevilla.

Barcelona are close to taking their third coveted player of the summer, after Raphinha and Robert Lewandowski.

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