Barça's discarded player Riqui Puig is likely to accept an offer to play in the MLS [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The player from Matadepera has made an agreement in principle with Los Angeles Galaxy, and he would leave Barça

After the departure of Òscar Mingueza to Celta Vigo, Riqui Puig might be the second of Xavi's discarded group of players to leave Barça.

The midfielder from Matadepera is likely headed to the MLS. According to Relay, Riqui Puig has already reached an agreement in principle with Los Angeles Galaxy, which needs to be closed before the market closes in the U.S. championship. According to the same source, Riqui Puig, whose contract with Barça ends in 2023, will leave after terminating this contract. As was the case with Mingueza, Barça will be able to avail of a repurchase option or keep a percentage of a future sale.


Riqui Puig's hopes to be a regular ended when Xavi relegated him to the bench and excluded him from the project. Discarded by the coach, he did not participate in the tour of the United States and stayed in Barcelona seeking a departure. His intention was to find a European team, but in the absence of attractive offers, it seems that he would prefer to head to North America.

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