Barça want no more delays in closing Martin Braithwaite's release [1] 0 تعليق 2 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

Club and his agent will try a new approach, but if the player's stance persists, Barça will terminate his contract.

The departure of Martin Braithwaite may soon be formalized. Barça have tried everything they can to transfer or release him in the face of several offers, but the Danish striker refused to negotiate on anything.

Braithwaite has refused the letter of freedom and made it clear that he wants Barça to terminate him by paying for the two years remaining on his contract. Today there will be a new negotiation to try to resolve the situation, but Barça will not tolerate more delays and may unilaterally terminate the player to make him leave the club this week.

Initially, Barça sought a transfer for Braithwaite, but the Dane asked for a last chance and was denied. Since then, the player's entourage rejected all offers and talks broke down until now. Braithwaite is upset with the club's stance and prefers a contract termination to then make own his choice of destination. And although he has offers from Spain and the Premier League, the striker could opt to go to Saudi Arabia with a lucrative contract.

Barça would be satisfied if Braithwaite were to forgo even one of the two years of his contract. They will continue negotiating but not for long and depending on the next few hours, may take the drastic option. The Danish player, who arrived for a fee of 18 million euros from Leganés, was booed loudly by the fans at the team's presentation and the situation is very tense.

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