Barça finalise their preparations ahead of their clash with Rayo Vallecano [1] 0 تعليق 3 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

Barça have completed their penultimate training session before officially kicking off the new season.

FC Barcelona will be polishing off the last touches in their team before officially kicking off the season this Saturday with the league clash against Rayo Vallecano. The players trained this afternoon at 7.30 pm at the Ciutat Esportiva in what was the penultimate session for Xavi Hernández's team before the eagerly awaited clash at the Camp Nou. They will train again tomorrow at the same time.

Barça have a golden opportunity to maintain the good form of the team from pre-season and Xavi has prepared for the match thoroughly. He has the players at ready, including Ferran Torres, who trained in Wednesday's training session.

It remains to be seen which players Xavi will have at his disposal, as it depends on which signings the club has been able to register between now and match day. For now, 17 players have been registered.

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