Ronaldinho's son has officially signed for Barcelona

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This Thursday, Barcelona have announced the signing of Joao Mendes de Assis Moreira, Ronaldinho's son.

The young player will be incorporated into the youth academy, though he had already been training with several youth teams over the last few weeks. But, it wasn't until Thursday that his signing was made official.

This is how Joao Mendes de Assis Moreira, Ronaldinho's son, plays

"He looks to be a great player," said president Joan Laporta a few days ago.

Who is Joao Mendes de Assis Moreira, Ronaldinho's son?

Mini Dinho is an 18-year-old striker who can play both as a centre-forward or as a second striker and playmaker. He is naturally right-footed but has a strong left foot too.

The small youngster wants to continue growing and developing at the club where his father enjoyed his prime years as a footballer.

It is important to remember that the signing of Ronaldinho during Joan Laporta's first tenure as president was decisive for Barcelona's success.

With the Brazilian at the helm, the team took flight and returned to winning titles, one of which was the 2006 Champions League.

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