Barca confirm they will wear Rosalia Motomami logo on Clasico kit [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Spanish singer is very popular and the most listened to female artist in Barcelona

It was an open secret and Barça have made it official. Rosalía will be the star of next Sunday's Clasico at the Camp Nou, just as Drake was in the first match at the Santiago Bernabeu. The team will wear the singer's logo on the shirt, as will the women's team in the Liga F Clasico on Sunday 26 March.

"Motoculers. Rosalía is on our team for #ElClásico. 19/03/2023", said the club on their social networks.

Barça already reported at the time of the agreement with Spotify that this type of action could happen, although to date this clause has only been activated in matches against Los Blancos, but it could happen again between now and the end of the season.

Rosalía, one of the most famous artists on the current music scene, will thus be the protagonist of this new commercial action that could serve to promote her next album, which could arrive as early as 2023.

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