Joan Laporta: We'll defend Barca until the last drop of blood [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Barca president spoke before a fan conference about the Negreira case

Joan Laporta in his purest form. This is how the Barça president appeared, energetic and forceful, at the XIV Congress of Peñas Barcelonistas de Andalucía, Ceuta and Melilla that took place in Órgiva (Granada) on Friday night.

Laporta, in the speech he gave to the supporters' club members, wanted to defend the club with forcefulness against the accusations they are receiving for the 'Negreira Case'. "They have nothing and the only thing they have wanted to do is to damage our reputation and our honour. And you don't play with Barça's sentiment. It's 123 years of showing values, commitment, honesty and fair play because that's how we understand football, sport and life," he said alongside the club directors in charge of the supporters' clubs, Antonio Escudero and Josep Ignasi Macià.

The club president called for unity among the fan clubs in Andalucía and reiterated that there is a campaign against Barça to turn the club into a public limited company. "I ask you to maintain unity to defend our crest, our essence, our model of ownership. Barça must always belong to all its members, its supporters and the fans we have all over the world. And that is where we are playing a lot with everything that is happening," said a fired-up Laporta.

The Barça president went on to explain that he will leave everything to defend Barça. "The tactic is to try to drown us, to squeeze us, until we give in, we are not going to allow the very dignified sense of Barça-ism that all of you Culés have to be insulted. I will not allow it. We are going to defend Barça to the last drop of our blood".

Laporta later appealed to the Barça crest and sentiment. "Barça will always be yours and the Barça sentiment can neither be bought nor sold. And neither is it soiled with very serious attacks on our crest that have nothing to do with reality".

To finish, he once again defended Barça's innocence in the 'Negreira case'. "Barça has always won on the field of play thanks to the effort, talent, quality and commitment of the players and at no time have we entered into dynamics that would have people believe that we have done so. It is very ugly what they are doing. This denigrating campaign against the reputation of our club is no coincidence".

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