Leo Messi's message to Sergio Busquets on Instagram

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The Argentine gave the Spaniard a warm goodbye as a Barca player

Leo Messi didn't want to miss Sergio Busquets' farewell to Barça. With him, he shared great moments wearing the Barça shirt, where they won all the titles available and were an important part of one of the best Barça teams in history.

Moreover, their relationship went beyond the pitch. In recent months, despite the distance, Messi and Busquets have been seen, for example, having dinner together, a symbol that the friendship forged at Barça has continued.

That is why, after such an important day for the midfielder from Badia, his friend and former teammate Leo Messi could not miss the opportunity to dedicate a heartfelt message of recognition to Busi's career at FC Barcelona. They won everything, but they were also together in the most complicated moments.


"On the pitch always with the number 5, but in reality as a player and as a person you are a 10, Busi. I wish you the best in your new stage and always, both to you and to all your family. Thank you for what you did on and off the pitch, there were so many moments we spent together, many good ones and some complicated ones.... They will remain forever," Messi said on his social networks.

Both players must decide their futures in the coming weeks: Saudi Arabia have shown interest in them, but they are not the only offers on the table.

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