Se queda! Alemany stays at Barça as Laporta accepts U-turn decision [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The director of football will stay despite having announced his departure two weeks ago

Joan Laporta has given the go-ahead for Mateu Alemany to continue as FC Barcelona's director of football. Despite the fact that both Alemany and the club had indicated in a statement that they would break off relations at the end of the season, he has decided to change his mind and continue working on Barça's project for the next campaign.

Barça president Laporta has welcomed Alemany's decision to continue as the club's director of football and that is why the official confirmation that Mateu 'stays' is very close.

The Mallorcan executive seemed to have everything ready to leave for Aston Villa, where he was eagerly awaited to start a winning project alongside Unai Emery. It was taken as a given that he would go to Birmingham, but Mateu has decided to change his mind and continue to form part of a project that is not yet finished.

Now it remains to be seen how the organisational chart will look with Alemany staying on and Jordi Cruyff leaving. Deco aims to be a new strong man in the Barça technical secretariat.

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