Tom Brady continues his journey into the OTHER football as NFL icon and Birmingham City co-owner heads to Spain to watch Real Madrid vs Barcelona [1] 0 تعليق 0 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

NFL legend Tom Brady continued his escapades around European football as the Birmingham City co-owner popped up in Spain for El Clasico between Barcelona and Real Madrid

The biggest rivalry in Spanish football, if not the entire world in the sport, is always a marquee date that is only guaranteed twice a year. 

Brady traveled to the Spanish capital to watch the La Liga contest at the Bernabeu Stadium. 

Before the game, he rode around Madrid on a motorized scooter and snapped a pictured outside the 85,000-seat venue. 

The Bernabeu will not have its only run-in with the NFL on Sunday, as the venue is set to host an NFL game in 2025. 

Tom Brady stops after a ride on his motorized scooter to take in the scenery in Madrid

Tom Brady stops after a ride on his motorized scooter to take in the scenery in Madrid

Tom Brady stops after a ride on his motorized scooter to take in the scenery in Madrid

Brady snapped a picture outside Real Madrid's iconic home stadium of the Bernabeu

Brady snapped a picture outside Real Madrid's iconic home stadium of the Bernabeu

Brady became a co-owner of Birmingham City in August, following in the footsteps of fellow NFL legend JJ Watt, who is a co-owner of Burnley. 

With two games left in the English Championship season, Birmingham is in a relegation spot, 22nd overall on 46 points. 

The five teams ahead of Birmingham are all within four points. 

Fifty regular season NFL games have so far been played outside America, with London hosting most, and Munich, Frankfurt, Mexico City and Toronto also getting a taste of the sport. 

Sao Paulo, Brazil will host a game in 2024 at Corinthians' soccer stadium, becoming the first NFL game ever to take place in South America.

Both Real Madrid and Barcelona scored first half goals with Brady watching from high above the pitch. 

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