Rafael Nadal casts doubt on chances of playing at the French Open despite returning to action in Barcelona following another hip issue

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  • Nadal cast doubt on the likelihood of a farewell appearance at the French Open
  • Nadal returned to action in Barcelona last week after suffering another hip issue 
  • The 14-time champion defeated Flavio Cobolli before losing to Alex De Minaur 

Rafael Nadal has cast doubt on the likelihood of a farewell appearance at the French Open.

The 14-time champion returned to action in Barcelona last week after suffering another hip issue at his comeback tournament in January following a year out.

Nadal defeated Flavio Cobolli before losing to Alex De Minaur in the second round and is now preparing to play at the Madrid Open.

But, at a press conference ahead of the tournament, Nadal gave a downbeat assessment of his current physical state.

The 37-year-old told reporters in the Spanish capital: 'Some moments I find myself enjoying being on court, playing against the best players again and I feel myself more or less competitive, and other moments I feel limitations and it's difficult.

Rafael Nadal has cast doubt on the likelihood of a farewell appearance at the French Open

Rafael Nadal has cast doubt on the likelihood of a farewell appearance at the French Open

Rafael Nadal has cast doubt on the likelihood of a farewell appearance at the French Open

The 14-time champion returned to action in Barcelona last week after suffering another hip issue at his comeback tournament in January following a year out

The 14-time champion returned to action in Barcelona last week after suffering another hip issue at his comeback tournament in January following a year out

Nadal defeated Flavio Cobolli before losing to Alex De Minaur in the second round and is now preparing to play at the Madrid Open

Nadal defeated Flavio Cobolli before losing to Alex De Minaur in the second round and is now preparing to play at the Madrid Open

'If I arrive in Paris the way I feel today, I will not play. I will play Roland Garros if I feel competitive. If I can play, I play. If I can't play, I can't. It won't be the end of the world or the end of my career. I still have goals after Roland Garros, like the Olympics.'

Nadal has said on several occasions this is set to be his final season on tour, but so far it has not panned out the way the Spaniard would have hoped.

He is set to take on 16-year-old American wild card Darwin Blanch in the first round on Thursday in front of his home fans.

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