Miami Grand Prix: Luis Suarez and Carlos Sainz play headers as Inter Miami and Ferrari stars kick it ahead of this weekend's race [1] 0 تعليق 0 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف
  • Sainz will look to continue his hot streak of top-five finishes in Formula One
  • Suarez took a break from training to visit Sainz at Ferrari's base camp
  • provides all the latest international sports news 

Inter Miami star Luis Suarez and Formula One driver Carlos Sainz played headers ahead of this weekend's Miami Grand Prix. 

The stop in Miami is one of three American races on Formula One's schedule, alongside Las Vegas and Austin.  

Sainz has finished in the top five of each of the last four Formula One races, including a victory in the Australian Grand Prix. 

Sainz races for Ferrari, while Suarez has played for Miami joined Major League Soccer for this season two years playing club soccer in South America. 

Suarez and Sainz may have crossed paths while the Urguguay superstar played for Barcelona or Atletico Madrid from 2014-2022. 

Sainz and Suarez traded headers for around a dozen seconds in front of a large crowd

Sainz and Suarez traded headers for around a dozen seconds in front of a large crowd

Sainz and Suarez traded headers for around a dozen seconds in front of a large crowd

Suarez then signed a hat for Sainz and the two posed for a picture ahead of the Miami GP

Suarez then signed a hat for Sainz and the two posed for a picture ahead of the Miami GP

Sainz and Suarez traded headers for more than a dozen seconds before volleying the ball back and forth. 

Suarez then signed a light-blue Ferrari hat for Sainz and the two posed for a photo. 

A practice round and sprint qualifying takes place on Friday, with the sprint race and qualifying for the Miami Grand Prix taking place on Saturday. 

The Miami Grand Prix takes place on Sunday from the Miami International Autodrome, part of a temporary circuit in Miami Gardens.  

Inter Miami's next game is on Saturday night at home against the New York Red Bulls.

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