Who are the players that have won the most Clasicos in history?

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Barcelona will host Real Madrid at the Camp Nou on Sunday in what will be the first Clasico of the 2021/22 campaign, one which will not include either Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo for the first time in years.

The two LaLiga Santander rivals have featured numerous superstars over the years, but there are two players who stand out as the footballers with the most wins in the history of the glamorous derby.

Who are the players with the most Clasico wins?

No footballer has won more Clasicos than Paco Gento and Messi, with the former coming out victorious in as many as 21 encounters between the two teams.

Meanwhile, Messi and Sergio Busquets have managed 19 victories each, but the main difference is that the Argentine participated in 45 Clasicos and the current Barcelona captain has played in 40.

Those three players are followed by Gerard Pique (18), Xavi Hernandez (17), Alfredo Di Stefano (17) and Andres Iniesta (16).

Of all the aforementioned footballers, only Pique and Busquets will have the chance to feature in yet another Clasico and extend their records.

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