اخبار كورة

Barcelona tracking Cesar Azpilicueta's contract talks with Chelsea

César Azpilicueta has drawn interest from Barcelona several times and his name is once again being linked with the Catalan club.

According to ESPN, Barça are tracking the defender's contract situation with his deal with Chelsea due to expire at the end of the season.

Therefore, from January, if he doesn't sign a new contract at Stamford Bridge, he will be free to negotiate a potential free transfer with other clubs.

Azpilicueta, 32, is in talks with Chelsea over a new deal, ESPN's report adds, but there is not yet an agreement over an extension.

The Spain international joined Chelsea in 2012 and has been a regular ever since, helping the club win the Champions League last season.

He can play across the backline, in a three or a four, and Xavi's is said to value the experience he could add to the side moving forward.

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