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PSG join Barça on the list of clubs that want Arda Guler

The young Turkish midfielder is a hot prospect at Fenerbahce

Barcelona are monitoring young players around Europe who have high potential, hoping to repeat the success they had with Pedri. Turkish football is creating a few talented youngsters in recent years and Barcelona are alert to it, as we saw with their signing of Emre Demir a few months ago.

One of the other names that is getting a lot of praise is Arda Guler. The 17 year old centre midfielder is making himself a name in Turkey where he has started playing regularly for Fenerbahce, playing 16 games, scoring three goals and giving five assists.

At 16 he signed a three year deal, the most allowed for his age. In Turkey they think Guler will leave before then though, joining one of the biggest sides in Europe. 

Borussia Dortmund, as well as Barcelona, are also interested in signing the young Turk.

Per TRT Sport, PSG will be competing for Guler too. The paper says that the Parisians have been negotiating a deal with Fenerbahce for some time. 

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