اخبار كورة

Barça's "mega offer" for Lewandowski as they near Bayern's price tag

The Catalan club are getting close to what the Bundesliga champs want

Barcelona want to close the signing of Robert Lewandowski and have began their offensive to convince Bayern Munich to sell the wantaway striker.

Barça are ready to pay €40 million plus add-ons to complete the transfer of one of the most prolific goal scorers on the planet this summer.

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The Catalan club have now translated that latest offer to Bayern. The two teams' valuations are beginning to get closer and the end of the saga is moving into sight.


German newspaper BILD have called Barça's latest offer for Lewandowski a "mega offer." They feel the fact they are reaching €50m with add-ons should help facilitate a compromise.

So far, Bayern have maintained in public that they will keep hold of the forward until his contract expires in 2023, despite his request to leave the club.

BILD explain that Frenkie de Jong's possible transfer to Manchester United could help Barça come up with the funds to do the Lewandowski deal.

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