اخبار كورة

The six players Barça chose to appear on the front of the Spotify Camp Nou

The Swedish company's sponsorship kicked in from today and there was new decoration

Barcelona redecorated the face of Camp Nou with the new Spotify deal and reaffirmed the club’s commitment towards diversity and backing the women’s team by including three Barça Femeni players along with three of the men’s team on the front of the stadium.

Pedri, Ansu Fati and Aubameyang are pictured in their new kits on the front of the stadium, along with Femeni’s Mapi Leon, Alexia Putellas and Aitana Bonmati. Six players who reflect the club Barcelona is and will be important moving into the new season.

Last season the women’s team played two big Champions League games at Camp Nou and recorded world record attendances of over 90,000 fans for both games.

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