اخبار كورة

Barcelona plan to spend 200 million euros on transfers this season

Barcelona are serious about making a splash in the transfer market, and they're taking steps to make that a reality.

The Blaugrana are planning to invest 200 million euros in new signings according to MARCA, with the sale of their remaining 15 percent in TV rights playing a key part in that.

That deal is expected to transpire before the team tours the United States in the second half of July, and should provide Barcelona with 400 million euros, which would allow them to flex their muscle in the transfer market.

Dembele on a par with Ansu

Staying within the financial realms of the club, Barcelona continue to assure that the contract offer made to Ousmane Dembele is a fair one, even though the French player has yet to accept it.

Those within the club assure the wages offered are similar to what Ansu Fati, one of the club's rising stars, currently makes.

BLM not for sale

In addition, the club insist they will not be selling 49.9 percent of its licensing and merchandising arm, BLM. They're hoping their current financial situation can be resolved by selling their TV rights in a 25-year deal.

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