اخبار كورة

Barça president Laporta has "no intention" of selling De Jong to Man Utd

Laporta said he will do all he can to keep the Dutchman at Camp Nou

Barcelona president Joan Laporta says he will do everything he can to keep midfielder Frenkie de Jong at the club this summer.

Manchester United are one of the clubs to show an interest in the Dutch international and have held talks over an €85 million deal.

"There are clubs that want him," Laporta said at an event in S'Agaro. "Not just Manchester United, but we don't have any intention of selling him.

"[De Jong] is also happy at Barça, in Barcelona and he wants to stay. The player's criteria is also very important."

However, Laporta pointed out that "in terms of the salaries of certain players are in not in line with what we have set, which is something we have to face, but I will do everything possible for him to stay."

De Jong is one of the players with the biggest market in the Barça squad and does not have the 'non-transferable' label. Manchester United are pressing to be able to sign him and coach Erik Ten Hag considers him a priority in his new project.

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