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Cadena SER: Selling Ter Stegen Barça's alternative if De Jong doesn't leave

Given the difficulties in transferring the midfielder, the club has pondered selling the German goalkeeper, whose wages are also high, as an alternative to enable them to register the new signings

FC Barcelona urgently need to sell some players, with the current squad being oversized with still more signings to come. Presently it is not possible to register all the players because of FFP regulations. The club wants Frenkie de Jong to leave, because he has one of the highest wages, or take a pay cut.

The Dutch midfielder is adamant that he does not want to leave, especially not to Manchester United, who have made the best offer for the player. Given this situation, Barça is studying their options and one of them, according to Cadena SER, is to sell Ter Stegen. His salary is very high, 7 million euros, and will increase even more next season. In addition, his performance too has come into question in the recent seasons.

The German goalkeeper's sale would spare some money for the coffers and also free up the wage bill. Neto, who is on the market, and Iñaki Peña would remain in the squad.

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