اخبار كورة

Miralem Pjanic has offers from other clubs but prioritizes staying at Barça

Juve, Napoli and Lazio are on the lookout for his loan move and he also has a million-dollar offer from Saudi Arabia

Miralem Pjanic has been one of the surprises of the preseason. The Bosnian has shown that he is still capable of playing at Barça and the Blaugrana club is considering what to do depending on the squad depth at the midfield. Pjanic has several offers on the table but his priority is to remain at Barça, convinced that the game of Xavi Hernandez fits him like a glove. This week his future will be decided with all the possibilities currently open, although if he stays he will certainly have to take a pay cut.

Pjanic has received interest from Juventus, Napoli and Lazio in recent weeks. He is a highly valued player in Italy, having performed spectacularly at Juventus for several seasons. Last season he was unable to perform at the highest level at Besiktas with many problems, but during the preseason he has shown his class and could have the door open to continue. Pjanic will evaluate his future in the coming days as he also has a dizzying proposal from Saudi Arabia.

The player intends to continue and that hinges on him agreeing to a reduction in salary. The Bosnian arrived at FC Barcelona with the same salary he received at Juve and is outside the new salary scale of the Blaugrana club. Xavi will end up making the final decision soon.

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