اخبار كورة

"We have brought in a player who is extremely desired by the coach," says Laporta at the presentation of Jules Koundé

FC Barcelona's head expressed his joy at the Frenchman's signing and thanked Xavi for his role in bringing the player to Camp Nou

Joan Laporta was delighted at the presentation of Jules Koundé, where he thanked both the player for his willingness to come and the role of Xavi Hernández in convincing the player to join FC Barcelona.

"We incorporated a player who excites the Barça fans and who was very much desired by the coach," said Barça's head.

The coach from Terrassa had indeed been a fundamental piece in this operation, having called and spoken to the player when it seemed that he was about to travel to London to sign up with Chelsea. That conversation was the reason why Jules decided to stay his decision and instead accompanied the Sevilla expedition in Lagos, where he awaited the La Liga clubs to close his transfer to FC Barcelona.

With this signing, the defense is now significantly improved, a position where the team has suffered a lot in recent seasons.

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