اخبار كورة

"I said goodbye to everyone and brought gifts," says Robert Lewandowski who was in Germany to bid his former club farewell

Robert Lewandowski went to Bayern Munich's sports centre in the German city on Tuesday to say goodbye to his former teammates, as well as to meet with Hasan Salihamidžić, with whom he has had some cross words in recent days.

As he departed the Säbener Straße, the current FC Barcelona player spoke to Sky Sports and wanted to thank his former club for his years there, and also revealed how the meeting went.

"It was sad. I will always be grateful for what I have gained and experienced here. I thanked everyone for what they did for me and gave them gifts. It was emotional and difficult for me," Lewandowski commented.

At the meeting with Bayern sporting director Salihamidžić, Robert said all went well. "All good. I saw them all and thanked them for everything. I will never forget what I experienced here. The last few weeks were difficult for everyone, but I will never forget what I had here and I thank the fans for their support," he said. At the meeting with Bayern sporting director Salihamidžić, Robert said all went well. "All good. I saw them all and thanked them for everything. I will never forget what I experienced here. The last few weeks were difficult for everyone, but I will never forget what I had here and I thank the fans for their support," he said.

As he walked away after speaking to the press, Robert was seen off by some of the fans present with shouts of "Hala Madrid" and "Benzema". This Monday, Robert was in Säbener Straße taking pictures with all the trophies won at Bayern in the eight seasons he had there between 2014 and 2022.

This Wednesday, after the visit the player will return to training with FC Barcelona's first team to continue preparing for the start of the season and will make his debut at Barcelona, this Sunday in the Joan Gamper trophy.

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