اخبار كورة

Martin Braithwaite demands full payment from Barça for both the remaining years of his contract

The striker, who has a very high-paying offer from Saudi Arabia, is not willing to compromise or leave on a free transfer

Martin Braithwaite's departure seemed near, but there is no agreement yet on his contract's termination. The Danish striker has a contract until 2024 and has demanded his entire remaining salary to leave, without any compromise. His position, for now, seems immovable, though Barça tried to negotiate a reduction. First, he was offered a letter of freedom, and then pay for a year of his contract, but no agreement could be reached. Barça are thinking of unilaterally terminating the player, as they are displeased by the player's stance.

Braithwaite already made it clear that he wanted to continue to try to earn a place, but both the management and Xavi told him at the end of last season that he was not going to have a place in the team. The coach left him out of the squad for the tour of the United States. As he was not accepting any of the options for his departure, the club offered him a letter of freedom to decide his destination. Even so, the situation remains at a stalemate.

FC Barcelona is clear that Braithwaite has no future at the club, and will ensure he leaves even if it costs them. Several Spanish teams have contacted him, but he has a lucrative offer from Saudi Arabia, which would almost triple the wage he is receiving at Barça. If he has his way, he can receive his full salary from Barça and also be paid by his new club. He is legally in the right to do this as per his contract, but Barça hoped he would concede on it, as they had invested 18 million euros to sign him from Leganés.

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