اخبار كورة

Joan Gamper Trophy: Fans will vote with their voices on Umtiti and Braithwaite

The duo are in the squad because they have not yet fixed their exits from Barcelona

Xavi has called up 31 players to play in the Joan Gamper Trophy against Pumas of Mexico, on Sunday at 8 pm CET.

Among them, two players are included of those who were cut from the US tour, Samuel Umtiti and Martin Braithwaite. People will vote with their voices at Camp Nou.

The trophy is a chance as usual to present the new squad for the new season. The new signings are playing their first game at home, but it will also serve as a goodbye to other players.

Umtiti and Braithwaite are the only two players of the five left off the tour who have not yet found an exit route. They are in the squad for the game, but another thing will be if they get any minutes or a shirt number.

Meanwhile Dest, Pjanic, Nico, De Jong, Collado, Memphis, and Abde, are in the squad even though their future is also up in the air.

Meanwhile goalkeeper Neto, in the current squad but has not called up, is heading to England where he will sign for Bournemouth.

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