اخبار كورة

Possible solutions for Barça regarding Sergio Busquets

The player is open to deferring his salary but is concerned about potential tax issues

FC Barcelona need to raise more funds to have the five new signings and the two renewed players registered in time on Saturday. The sale of 24.5% of Barça Studios to GDA Luma for €100 million was a step towards that goal.

Another step involves a salary reduction for Gerard Piqué and Sergio Busquets. With the central defender, everything has already been agreed upon. As for the midfielder, contacts were initiated a few days ago and this morning his representative, Josep Maria Orobitg, visited Mateu Alemany's office. Busquets has been very willing to help the club by deferring his current salary, and now Barça must find a way to do so such that the player won't lose any of his salary.

Busquets is now waiting for the club's proposal. The club is contemplating extending his contract by one year, until June 30, 2024, with an exit clause. He could then receive the amount deferred while leaving. Both parties will analyse this option thoroughly, as a major concern of both the player and his agent are the potential tax issues.

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