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Barça's Collado trains with Elche pending official announcement move

The midfielder will join the LaLiga side on a season-long loan

Alex Collado finds himself in a peculiar situation. He has a contract with Barcelona, but he is already training with Elche, who he hopes to join this season.

Collado will be the next player to leave Barcelona, though. The midfielder has an agreement in place to join LaLiga side Elche on a season-long loan -- it has just not been announced yet.

The decision for Collado to leave Barca again -- he spent the second half of last season at Granada -- was made after he did preseason with the first team so Xavi could take a closer look at him.

He will play regularly at Elche, something which would not have been possible at Barça with the number of bodies in midfield and attack, where he can also play.

More information

Collado, en una imagen de esta pretemporada| Valentí Enrich

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