اخبار كورة

Barcelona could consider the option of playing outside Europe if sanctioned by UEFA for the 'Negreira case'

Barcelona could face a sanction by UEFA due to the so-called 'Negreira case'. They European governing body could ban the Blaugrana from participating in their competitions after the club have been accused of paying Jose Mara Enriquez Negreira, the former vice-president of Spanish football's refereeing committee, for his services.

According to Tv3 show 'Onze', Barcelona have carried out a study to find out whether they could participate in a competition outside Europe in case the UEFA sanction is finally confirmed.

One option, according to the Catalan TV show, would be to play friendlies and another would be to try to feature in a competition as a guest club, something that could bring Barcelona good profit. The club could consider participating in an Asian league.

Meanwhile, it was also reported that Barcelona could consider playing in another European league should LaLiga impose a ban on their participation in the domestic competition.

In any case, it would be the members of the club who would decide on any future moves.

Laporta's meeting with Ceferin

Barcelona president Joan Laporta met days ago with UEFA boss Aleksander Ceferin to give him explanations for the 'Negreira case' scandal that has put Barcelona in the spotlight.

Negreira was vice president of the Technical Committee of Referees at the Royal Spanish Football Federation from 1994 to 2018. He allegedly put together reports on referees for which he received 7.3 million euros to advise Barcelona between 2001 and 2018.

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