اخبار كورة

A return to the past at Barcelona? Laporta is sounding out Xavi's replacement... Rijkaard!

There is no time to lose. Every day that passes brings Barcelona closer to having to appoint a new coach.

Xavi announced that, as of the summer, he would no longer be the coach of the Barcelona team. This opens the role to a casting of candidates that brings together names from all leagues and countries.

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However, few are held in memory as fond as the one left by the coach who won the second European Cup for Barcelona.

David Sanchez has told Radio MARCA the news that Joan Laporta has remembered the Dutchman, Frank Rijkaard. According to the presenter of 'Despierta San Francisco', the Barcelona president has contacted the former coach of the club. He was in charge between 2003 and 2008.

Laporta tries to get Rijkaard

Laporta has reached out to Rijkaard for his return. However, it is not going to be easy for this to happen. Rijkaard does not initially intend to return to coaching.

The man from Amsterdam left the dugout in 2014 and the few public appearances he has made are related to his hotel business.

Sanchez says that Rijkaard has not closed the door completely. Laporta has not yet given up hope of the return of the coach who made him a European champion. The president even raised the possibility of Marco van Basten becoming his assistant coach.

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