اخبار كورة

Major European airport is evacuated and flights cancelled after bomb threat as man arrested

  • The incident took place late on Saturday morning at Billund airport in Denmark 
  • Hundreds of passengers are stranded atfer they were forced to evacuate

Watch the moment police officers arrest a man in connection with a bomb threat at a major European airport.

Billund airport in central Denmark had to evacuate hundreds of passengers at around 10.30am this morning after South East Jutland Police received reports of a bomb threat on the site. 

In video footage from the scene you can see three officers detain a man in handcuffs before walking him off to be questioned. It is currently unclear if anyone else was involved.

The airport website also shows all flights to and from the airport have been suspended, and no time has yet been announced for the resumption of flights. 

A man has been arrested in connection with the incident, which took place late on Saturday morning at Billund airport in central Denmark, police have said

Map showing the location of Billund airport, Denmark's second largest airport

The South East Jutland Police confirmed that they received reports of a bomb threat at 10.30am on April 20, and that eveyone had been evacuated by 11.40am 

The airport, which is the second largest in Denmark, remains shut currently for police to carry out investigations, while bomb dogs, Armed Forces' munition disposers and a minesweeper are currently on the scene. 

Hundreds of stranded passengers are waiting at Billund Airport Hotel to see if they will be able to resume their jouneys soon. 

 'Following an alert about a bomb at Billund airport, police in southeast Jutland have arrested a man,' Danish police said in a statement.

Police are investigating whether there is a link between this bomb threat and the bombing of an ATM in Billund at around 4am on Saturday. 

Police inspector Michael Weiss said: 'We ask everyone not to drive towards the airport and to follow the police's instructions on the spot.

The airport website highlights several cancelled flights that were due to leave in the early afternoon, to Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Barcelona 

 Police are investigating whether there is a link between this bomb threat and the bombing of an ATM in Billund at around 4am on Saturday

'The evacuation has proceeded calmly and as expected, with travellers following our instructions.'

Weiss declined to comment on whether the arrested person was Danish.

The Triangle area's Fire Service shared on social media that they are assisting the investigation with several stations and drones.

Billund airport is near the headquarters of the manufacturer of Lego toy bricks and the Legoland theme park.

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